Saturday, August 20, 2011

5 Crucial Tips for Designing CPA websites

While it can be a blessing to your company in countless pertinent ways the central purpose of well designed CPA websites is promoting your company, and it's vital to locate a website designer that knows this concept. The web has evolved over the last 10 years, and your website is no longer a one trick pony. Good quality CPA websites can help you handle your firm more efficiently and they can help with client retention. Just as in any important relationship, "what matters is communication". Websites allow your CPA practice to lure in a widespread customer base, make it easy for them to keep in touch with you, and project a professional image to clients and prospects alike.

Your profession doesn't sit very well with rigid minds. Most small CPA firms have many different types of clients. Communicating with small businesses can be a completely different experience than speaking to a busy freelancer or a globe-trotting CEO. Your site needs to be accessible and attractive to all of your current clientele, but it also needs to be listed in the major search engines so that you gain as much traffic as possible.

1. Tell Us About Yourself:

Rather than posting a generic website a good designer will take the time to personalize it and show the world what makes you unique. The best designers know that it's important that your website reflect you. It's your personality, and company's, that really separates you from your competitors. Sure, people want to know about your previous professional experience, education, and accreditation. But the real key to marketing is getting a prospect to like you. This is the real impetus that gets them to actually pick up the phone and call you, and this is what makes them confident that you really care about them and their businesses.

2. Quality Content:

What you say is just as important as how you say it. Make sure you website is offering real value to it's visitors. Offer features like Financial Guides, newsletters and Financial Calculators. These are the elements of your website that will bring people back time and time again even if they're not looking for a CPA... yet. Good content will also ensure your clients feel confident in your abilities as a company.

3. Standing Out:

Once you have a beautiful, functional site, optimization is key. It doesn't really matter how great your website is if nobody ever sees it. A significant percentage of your traffic, especially your new visitors, will be driven by search engines. There are lot's of different kinds of search engine listings, including paid advertising. But SEO is about improving your "organic" or "free" listings and these are the types of listings that get your firm the best results. And don't forget what I told you about content! If a searcher lands on a badly written page it doesn't matter how good your search engine listing is; the visitor is going to "bounce". Internet slang has a word for losing traffic this way. We call it a bounce, and on the internet bouncing is bad.

4. Keep track:

When you plant a garden, you water it, fertilize it and watch your produce grow. Integrating CPA websites into your marketing requires the same kind of attention. Monitoring website hits – and where they come from – can enable you to hone your marketing strategies. Winners keep score!

5. More Promotional Pointers:

Speaking of marketing strategies, what are the best ways to ensure your local customer pool has only one company on its mind? The answer is simple: networking. You probably attend CPA conferences and try to gather useful contacts on an offline basis. Now it's time to transfer that to an online medium. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter can be enormously useful not only in "getting the word out" but also for communicating with your clients and prospective clients. If you already blog keep it unique and update it frequently. If not, you should consider adding one to your site.

Currently the web is the single most effective force in marketing your accounting practice. These five straight forward pointers will really help you with the move into the cyber-sphere. CPA websites needn't be difficult, just well thought out, for success.


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